FILM CULTURE NUMBER 61 - 1975-1976
(FILM CULTURE) (BROUGHTON, JAMES). Mekas, Jonas & P. Adams Sitney, Editors. New York: Film Culture, 1975. First Edition. 8vo. Pictorial Wrappers. Film Journal. Near Fine.. 112pp, illustrated in b&w. Jonas Mekas' influential "Film Culture" was New York's preeminent journal devoted to avant-garde cinema and the voice of the international independent filmmaking community of the fifties, sixties, and seventies. This sixty-first installment from 1975 spotlights the achievements of the iconoclastic American independent filmmaker and poet James Broughton. It includes an interview with Broughton by editors Jonas Mekas and P. Adams Sitney, contributions by Kermit Sheets and Clark McKowen, and many of Broughton's own writings. A most handsome example. ISSN 0015-1211 Inventory Number: 025670