DERRIERE LE MIROIR (DLM) NO. 123 + 125-126 + 128 + 139-140 + 151-152: MIRO - WITH FIFTY-ONE COLOR LITHOGRAPHS
(MIRO, JOAN) (DERRIERE LE MIROIR). Miro, Joan, Joan Gardy Artigas, Rene Char, Jacques Dupin, Josep Luis Sert, Joan Brossa, Joan Prats & Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues. Paris. 1961, 1961, 1961, 1963 & 1965.: Maeght Editeur. First Edition Thus. Folio. Wrappers Bound in Cloth. Artist Monograph. Fine/No Jacket - As Issued. np + np + np + np, profusely illustrated in color and b&w. Text in French. This is a compilation of five issues of Maeght's legendary periodical "Derriere Le Miroir" (featuring the great artists and writers of the 20th Century) devoted solely to Joan Miro. Bound by Maeght in dark blue cloth-over-boards with debossed white lettering in 1965, it collects the complete contents of DLM numbers 123 (Fevrier 1961): "Joan Miro: Ceramique Murale Pour Harvard"; 125-126 (Avril 1961): "Miro"; 128 (Juin 1961): "Miro: Peintures Murales"; 139-140 (Juin-Juillet 1963): "Miro et Artigas"; and 151-152 (Mai 1965): "Miro Cartons." A most handsome example whose contents are complete and intact first printings with the wrappers bound in that contain in total fifty-one original color lithographs showing some faint brown spotting to the edges of the textblock and endpapers that does not affect the internal lithographs in any meaningful way. Inventory Number: 024990